From Powder to Perfection: How to Grow Crystals in the Lab With The Magic of a Crystal Growing Kit

While you may not be able to whip up a perfect diamond in a backyard lab, growing your perfect lab-grade crystals is possible. It’s a fascinating science project that’s very achievable through the use of crystal growing kits. If you are wondering how those fancy rubies and sapphires get their sparkles, then we’ll show you how you can transform a powdery solution into a dazzling masterpiece. 

In this guide, we will break down the process of growing crystals, the science behind it, and most importantly the kits to use with cool applications of these lab-grown beauties in the real world.

How to Grow Crystals - Step-by-Step Process

Before we start, here’s a safety reminder. Most of these crystal-growing kits involve chemicals that could be harmful when used improperly. Your safety goggles and gloves should be on when working with these, just as always, and all the specific instructions of your kit are to be followed.

Below is a general guide that works for most crystal-growing kits. Here's what you will need to do before we begin:

1. Find a Suitable Workspace

Choose a clean, ventilated area where the crystal can grow undisturbed. A flat surface like a table is most suitable.

2. Assemble Your Equipment

Carefully lay out all the components of your crystal growing kit on your designated workspace. Make sure you have everything listed in the kit's instructions. Depending on your specific crystal growth experiment, you might need additional lab equipment. 

3. Know Your Specific Kit

Since every crystal-growing kit is specific, it's good to read and understand the instructions attached regarding the specific kit. The instructions outline the exact amount of water, growth period, and any special techniques involved for the chosen crystal.

4. Prepare the Warm Solution

Most of the crystals need a warm water solution to enable the crystal powder to dissolve. You can use a cooking pot or kettle to heat the distilled water to the temperature that your kit instructions specify.

5. Dissolve the Crystal Powder

Gradually add the crystal powder to the hot water with gentle stirring by the non-reactive stirring rod. Continue stirring the mixture until all the powder is dissolved in the hot water, forming a clear, saturated solution. Think of it as making a delicious crystal-infused tea.

6. Add the Seed Crystal

Gently place the provided seed crystal into the hot solution. The seed crystal will be like the core for your larger crystal to build off of.

7. Filtration 

This is optional but you may be required to filter the solution to separate any undissolved particles. This may assist in the formation of a clear and non-defective crystal.

8. Transfer the Solution

Gently pour the hot solution with the seed crystal into your growth container. Be careful not to spill any liquid and not to disturb your seed crystal. The growth container should be kept in the least vibrating place, and the temperature applied to the extent necessary. 

9. Wait and Observe Your Crystals Grow

Now we play the waiting game. Crystal growth is a slow affair. To get significant results, you may have to wait for days, if not weeks. At this point, you might want to watch what you have produced. You can keep up a log or take pictures to document the growing process.

10. Crystallising

It won't be long before you begin to see small crystals growing on the surface of the seed crystal. Over time, these small crystals will grow into larger and more defined ones. How long it actually takes for it to reach its fully grown size depends on the type of crystal you have grown. 

11. Harvest Your Treasures

Once your crystal has grown to the desired size, it is time to harvest. Very, very carefully remove the growth chamber from the location following any techniques for harvesting that may be kit-specific.

Then, carefully remove leftover solvent using a syringe or Pasteur pipette and rinse them with a tiny amount of a cool, immiscible solvent. Remember to handle them carefully with tweezers or a spatula. Once they're dry, your crystals are ready for their X-ray close-up. 

Now, don't be discouraged if your first attempts don't yield perfect crystals - there are many techniques to explore and factors to adjust. 

crystal growing kit

Growing Kit and Other Essential Tools

This is the star of the show! These kits are designed to put lab-quality crystals right in your hand. In essence, it is a predefined recipe for being able to create a crystal. The components of the kit will differ depending on the type of crystal one is attempting to grow, but some common components might include:

Growing Container

Generally, a glass or plastic container within which you are going to grow your crystal. Typically, these containers are transparent so that you can see the process of crystal growth.

Crystal Seed

Crystal seeds are tiny, perfect crystals that act like templates. When placed in a solution, they kickstart the growth of a larger crystal with the same structure and shape, like a miniature blueprint.

Crystal Powder

One of your magic ingredients, crystal powder is a concentrated solution with all the building blocks for your crystal. Just like a cake mix, different crystal powders will result in different types of crystals.

Stirring Rod 

 You will need a non-reactive rod, such as this one made of glass or plastic, to gently mix the crystal powder solution. We don't want to disturb our future crystal with an iron rod.

Heating Pad

Certain crystals are supposed to be grown at a specific temperature. A heating pad makes it easier by maintaining uniform and constant temperature.


It helps in measuring the temperature of the solution to control the growth of the crystals in the most appropriate environment.

Magnifying Glass

It can be a really magical experience to watch how a crystal starts forming and that’s why you’ll need a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass gives you the ability to look at this process up close.

Magnetic Stirrer 

The small instrument in operation, it simply twists the magnetic field so the solution is agitated without contact. This can be particularly useful for preventing unwanted defects in crystals set in place by normal mixing rods.


An airtight container that is used to control the humidity around your growing crystal. Desiccators are needed when the crystals have to be kept under the exact, required level of moisture.


Refractometers measure the refractive index of your solution. That's a fancy way of saying how the light bends when light passes through your solution. This can help you see a way in which your concentration changes with the solution and conditions for optimal crystal growth.

Crystallising Dish

Crystallizing dishes are specially designed dishes and may come in different shapes as well as sizes for the growth of the crystal. These dishes possess a smooth, flat bottom to promote the even growth of the crystals.

Applications of Crystals in Different Industries

The possible applications of lab-made crystals are numerous and outstanding:

  • Semiconductor Industry: Silicon and gallium arsenide—these are the crystals at the basis of modern electronics, without which our computers and smartphones would not be anything more than paperweights.
  • Optical Uses: High-precision lenses and windows both rely on such highly transparent crystals as quartz and sapphire. Take sapphire for example, sapphire's hardness makes it perfect for scratch-resistant watches and phone screens.
  • Laser Technology: Crystals such as Nd:YAG emit focused beams of light for use to power laser cutting and welding devices, structures, and medical applications.
  • Sensors and Detectors: From environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics, crystals, including germanium and quartz, are ideal components in sensors and detectors.
  • Electronic Applications: Quartz crystals are used for precision timing related to time and frequency for devices such as watches and computers. Meanwhile, lithium niobate is very useful in radio frequencies.
  • Medical Devices: Sodium iodide crystals are important components of gamma-ray detectors in detecting abnormality in cell growth and are very useful in both diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer.  

The effects of the crystals are way much more than what meets the eye. In a world where the sciences of materials keep advancing, the applications of lab-grown crystals push many boundaries.

Grow Breathtaking Crystals with Science Equip

Crystal growing kits provide a creative and fascinating way to understand how exactly the formation of crystals occurs—first-row seating included. However successful growth of the crystal calls for patience and careful delivery of every procedure.

At Science Equip, we believe that scientific curiosity should be instilled from the beginning of the learning journey. We offer well-made kits for growing crystals, high-quality lab equipment, and science education resources to spark a sense of discovery in people of all ages.

Don't just read about crystals – grow your own dazzling treasures and witness the magic of science firsthand! Contact us today and watch your fascination with science crystallise into a lifelong love of learning.

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